Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sugar Rehab

If you have unexplainable medical issues such as headaches, migraines, fatigue, intestinal/digestive issues, obesity, skin problems, inability to maintain weight or any other problem that doctors are unable to explain,  get off complex sugars such as table sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup or anything ending in -ose other than glucose which is the sugar in fruit.

I'm beginning my sugar restricted diet tomorrow and I plan to keep a record of changes I experience right here.  Today, I had 12 teaspoons of sugar just in the coffee I drank which was excessive in and of itself.  My plan is to reduce that to 2 immediately which will be contained in 16 oz. of coffee.

I may eliminate coffee altogether.  I stopped smoking over a year ago and I very seldom drink any carbonated beverage or alcohol but I still feel unrested when I wake up in the morning even though I'm getting 7 to 8 hours sleep.  I don't feel energetic like I should.  I haven't felt particularly well for any length of time since I joined the army in 1984.  Combined effects of sleep deprivation, high stress, smoking and drinking excessively took their toll.  Hopefully, I can break the addiction and start eating healthier foods and consuming less sugar and caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. This didn't go worth a damn. I didn't make it past the morning of the next day.
