Friday, November 4, 2011

Proposal to Legislate a Ban on Certain Types of Noises in Advertising and PSA's

I propose legislation that bans the use of traffic noise such as car horns, screeching tires, crashing sounds, police, ambulance or fire sirens.

The elevated quality of most car sound systems combined with the utter realism of the sounds used in radio commercials, a dangerous situation is created by broadcasting these types of sounds.  The danger is heightened during rush hours and inclement weather to include rain when people are on heightened alert with diminished safety conditions.  I have personally experienced the dangerous effect of these noises and I can't believe I'm alone.  And I don't believe this is a free speech issue since the sounds I'm talking about are the vehicular equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater.  I drive between 30 and 50 thousand miles a year throughout Virginia (especially Northern Virginia), North Carolina and West Virginia and I couldn't begin to account for the number of times I've been startled, and therefore distracted, by realistic sounding traffic noises the worst of which are screeching tires, car horns and sirens of any type, in that order.

I know this may not be the hot button issue that will get lots of media attention and political debate.  But that doesn't make it unimportant.  I think it's a no-brainer.  There are enough distractions on the road.  Let's not unnecessarily add to them.

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